Official Statement: Report Regarding Issues Raised by Marc Jenson
April 22, 2014
“Report to the Utah Attorney General Regarding Issues Raised in the
Rule 65 Petition for Relief Filed by Marc Jenson”
Disclosed to Jenson Counsel, Released to Public
Allegations have been made by Mr. Jenson’s counsel, including by legal filings, that the office of the Utah Attorney General under a previous administration acted improperly during and as a part of the investigation and prosecution of Mr. Jenson in State v. Jenson, Utah Third District Court No 051905391 (“Jenson I”). These allegations also connect to another case being litigated by Utah County and Mr. Jenson in State Court regarding the Mount Holly development (“Jenson II”). The AG’s office takes any such allegations very seriously. Given the high profile nature of both cases, other allegations surrounding past actions by the AG’s office and the desire of the current administration to remedy any prior misconduct that comes to light, an investigation into the allegations was commissioned by the current Attorney General Sean D. Reyes. To avoid any possible conflict, counsel outside the AG’s office was hired under public procurement rules to investigate the claims. General Brian Tarbet, Chief Deputy AG, oversaw the selection of Paul G. Cassell, a law professor and former federal judge and Francis M. Wikstrom, former Acting United States Attorney for the District of Utah to investigate the allegations. The report addressed how our office handled both cases. A final copy of the report was issued April 21, 2014, and titled, “Report to the Utah Attorney General Regarding Issues Raised in the Rule 65 Petition for Relief Filed by Marc Jenson.”
“Although Mr. Jenson entered a plea in Jenson I, whether or not he is culpable did not relieve our office from a duty to have conducted itself throughout the case in a fully ethical manner,” said Attorney General Sean Reyes. “Given the information we have just received and provided to the public in the report, it is now in the hands of the Court(s) and Mr. Jenson’s counsel to determine whether any further action is merited.”
Copies of the report have been disclosed to counsel for Mr. Jenson and the full report can be found on the following link: