State Records Committee: Gehrke vs AGO
“The Utah Attorney General’s office is dedicated to complying with the disclosure requirements in Utah law. In certain circumstances, our office is precluded — by law — from releasing records or giving information about why a records request has been denied, even when a request might otherwise be proper. This is one of those times,” said Spencer Austin, Chief Criminal Deputy. “Each government records request that our office receives is evaluated by expert attorneys who understand the intricacies of GRAMA to avoid compromising privacy or other interests, or violating other law.”
Other information:
When a governmental entity is denying a Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) request, there are certain circumstances in which Section 205(2) of the statute prohibits it from providing additional information in its notice of denial. That prohibition applies when disclosing the description of a requested record, or stating the legal authority for nondisclosure of a record, cannot be done without compromising privacy or other interests, or violating other law.