Assistant Solicitor General John Neilsen Named 2016 NAAG Supreme Court Fellow
SALT LAKE CITY May 11, 2016 –The Office of the Attorney General announced today that Assistant Solicitor General John Neilsen has been named as one of six Supreme Court Fellows with the National Association of Attorney Generals for the October 2016 Term of the Supreme Court of the United States.
“Congratulations to John Nielsen for being named a Supreme Court Fellow for the 2016 Supreme Court Term with the National Association of Attorneys General,” said Attorney General Sean Reyes. “As an Assistant Solicitor General in the Office of the Attorney General of Utah since 2011, John has been a great asset to our criminal appeals division, where he has served with distinction. We are confident that his experience as a Supreme Court Fellow will make him a greater asset to our office and the citizens of Utah.”
“We applaud John’s selection as a NAAG Supreme Court Fellow,” said Utah Solicitor General Tyler Green. “The expertise he has developed while representing the people of Utah for many years has prepared him well to represent our State in this uniquely intensive national program focused on furthering the States’ interests before the U.S. Supreme Court.”
“I’m excited for the chance to aid States in cases before the Supreme Court and learn from eminent practitioners from around the country,” said Neilsen. “The experience will make me a better advocate for the people of Utah in defending criminal convictions and promoting the orderly development of the law.”
The Supreme Court Fellows Program, begun in 1986, is designed to give state lawyers an opportunity to obtain direct and intensive hands-on exposure to Supreme Court practice. The Fellowship is an opportunity for state appellate attorneys to obtain direct experience of Supreme Court advocacy by observing argument at the Court, participating in the Project’s moot courts, and writing a state amicus brief.
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Tags: John Neilsen, Supreme Court, Tyler Green