Utah AG Reyes Comments on Federal Court Decision on BLM Fracking Rule

Utah Attorney General's Office
Utah Attorney General's Office

Utah AG Reyes Comments on Federal Court Decision on BLM Fracking Rule

Judge Finds that BLM Lacks Authority to Regulate Hydraulic Fracking

SALT LAKE CITY June 22, 2016 – In a holding Tuesday, a federal district judge has determined that the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) does not have the authority to regulate hydraulic fracking on federal and Indian lands.   The case, which examines whether the BLM had the legal authority to enact environmental regulations regarding fracking, was brought by Colorado and Wyoming and joined by Utah, North Dakota, and the Ute Indian Tribe. Utah already regulates hydraulic fracking within its borders, including on federal land, and will continue to do so.

“We welcome the district court’s holding that the Bureau of Land Management acted beyond its authority,” said Attorney General Sean Reyes. “At the heart of this case are the proper mechanisms for the passage of law and regulations. Without Congressional authority, the BLM endeavored to expand its mandate to include environmental regulation in an area reserved to the states and other federal agencies. I congratulate our Assistant Attorneys General who assisted in this suit for their efforts to keep the federal government from overstepping its authority and disregarding the law.”

US District Judge Scott W. Skavdahl’s order can be found linked here..

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