AG Reyes Congratulates AAGs on Nominations as Finalists for 3rd District Juvenile Court
SALT LAKE CITY April 20, 2017 – Attorney General Sean Reyes released the following statement congratulating Utah Attorney General Division Director Susan Eisenman and Section Director Annette Jan for their nomination by the Third Judicial District Nominating Commission as two of the five finalists from whom the Governor will select the next juvenile court judge in the third district:
“It is a testament to the extremely high caliber of attorneys in the Utah Office of Attorney General that both Susan Eisenman and Annette Jan have been selected as finalists among so many qualified applicants. Those of us who have the privilege of working with Susan and Annette on a daily basis, both in and out of our office, are not surprised in the least by their selection,” said Attorney General Sean Reyes. “I commend the nomination commission for advancing both their names to the Governor.
“From the early days of her career as an attorney guardian ad litem, representing children in child abuse and neglect cases to her more than 20 years with the office and in leadership positions, Susan Eisenman has demonstrated an innate ability to assimilate complex issues, advocate for her clients and lead her fellow attorneys in managing heavy caseloads and sensitive issues our office often addresses. Similarly, Annette Jan is a respected leader, experienced and highly skilled attorney who goes above and beyond to help her coworkers, clients, and the office. Despite the serious and challenging cases she handles, she is known by her coworkers to always lead with grace and good humor. Both are excellent attorneys, hardworking public servants, and incredible assets to Utah.”
Susan Eisenman has spent the last twenty years working as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Utah, representing various agencies within the State, and currently, serves as Division Director of the State Agency Counsel Division and as counsel to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. As an Assistant Attorney General for the Utah Department of Human Services, Susan has had the opportunity to look at social issues from legal, administrative, and policy perspectives. Susan participated in the successful defense of a class action lawsuit against the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (M.A.C. v. Betit) and the successful resolution of a thirteen-year-long class action lawsuit against the Division of Child and Family Services (David C. v. Leavitt). Prior to joining the Attorney General’s Office, Susan was an attorney guardian ad litem, representing children in child abuse and neglect cases, and, before that, provided parental defense for persons accused of child abuse and neglect.

AAG Annette Jan is Section Chief of the Child Protection where she works with the Children’s Justice Centers.
Annette Jan has served as the Section Chief of the Child Protection division for over five years. She works with the Children’s Justice Centers and attends the Children’s Justice Center multi-discipline staffing for Salt Lake City each week. In 2012, the Children’s Justice Center of Salt Lake County selected Annette to receive the “Professional of the Year” award for her outstanding services to child victims of crime served at the Children’s Justice Center. As the leader in her section, she has a busy schedule filled with administrative duties and drafting Protective Supervision Services petitions for each attorney. Prior to becoming an attorney, Annette worked for the Davis County Attorney’s Office as a victim advocate.