AG Reyes Condemns Acts of Hate and Violence in Charlottesville
SALT LAKE CITY August 14, 2017 – Attorney General Sean Reyes released the following statement regarding events in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend:
“The cowardly acts of hate and violence perpetrated in Charlottesville on Saturday were abhorrent. Sadly, they are indicative of racial and religious bigotry not only tolerated but advocated by too many in our nation. As the son of minority parents, I have seen them endure discrimination, abuse, and persecution due to the color of their skin. Threats to our own family have come because of our heritage. So I am deeply and personally familiar with the feelings of exclusion and dread that come when we allow such bigotry to exist. I applaud all those who have raised their voices to denounce it.
“While I fight to uphold First Amendment freedoms, I condemn those who violate such precious rights for such vile purposes; namely, to preach hate and harm toward fellow Americans. No matter what rights are being exercised, hate is never right! Hate is not American! And we are Americans and human beings first and foremost. Our collective resolve to stand up toward hatred and bigotry must continue today and every day. And over time, only love can ultimately bend us toward justice and acceptance.”