Hatch & Reyes Partner on On CLOUD Act

Hatch & Reyes Partner on On CLOUD Act

Art Raymond, of the Deseret News, wrote of the partnership occurring between Senator Orrin Hatch and Attorney General Sean Reyes as they tackle international digital privacy issues.  The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act, or CLOUD Act, would help regulate access issues and provide necessary protections for U.S. residents and companies.

Read his article here: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/900011562/as-high-court-ruminates-hatch-reyes-lead-charge-on-foreign-data-access-revamp.html.


  1. For more information on the CLOUD Act and actions AG Reyes is taking, check out our previous post here: https://attorneygeneral.utah.gov/featured-content/ag-reyes-co-leads-naag-effort-to-pass-cloud-act.
  2. AG Reyes wrote an op-ed piece regarding the CLOUD Act for The Hill. You can read that here: http://thehill.com/opinion/technology/364220-we-must-reconcile-privacy-and-safety-in-the-digital-era.
  3. You can read the letter of support for the CLOUD Act from AG Reyes and other state’s AGs to our Congressional leaders here: https://attorneygeneral.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Final-2.21-CLOUD-Act-Letter.pdf.