First case using Rapid DNA testing a success

First case using Rapid DNA testing a success

November 14, 2018

Rapid DNA, a new technology available to law enforcement agencies by the Attorney General’s Office, solved its first case within weeks of its release. 

Earlier this fall, Cache County Sheriff’s Office contacted the AG’s Office about using the portable Rapid DNA machines for assistance with a case.

In late September, a burglary was reported in a cabin up in Cache County. Someone had broken in through a bathroom window and had cut themselves in the process, leaving traces of blood behind. The burglary suspect also ate food and drank several cans of soda while in the cabin. 

Deputies from the Sheriff’s Office were able to take several blood samples and other items to process from the crime scene. They then served a search warrant on the suspect’s home and the suspect was arrested. 

After gathering the evidence, Special Agents from the AG’s Office were able to test the samples and receive results on the same day. The DNA profile of the suspect matched the DNA profiles of the samples gathered at the crime scene. When presented with the evidence of the DNA test the suspect, Albert Hernandez of Hyrum, pled guilty. 

Below is the link to the coverage on the case. 

KUTV: Utah’s first guilty plea with Rapid DNA technology took just weeks to close

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