Hate Crimes Statute Signed into Law, Provides Protection to All Utahns
April 3, 2019
Yesterday, Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes affirmed his commitment to protect those who are victims of violence based on an individual’s race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or identity as SB103 Victim Targeting Penalty Enhancements officially became law in a Capitol Rotunda signing ceremony today. Also known as the hate crime bill, this law is an important step toward protecting all Utahns and their freedom.
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SB103 establishes enhanced penalties for those who commit violent crimes that target individuals and recognizes the unique impact these crimes have on every community in our state.
Attorney General Reyes also points out that the new law does not target or favor any group of people or seek to punish speech or thought. Attorney General Reyes specifically addressed these issues in an op ed co-authored by the Anti Defamation League’s Seth Brysk.
Last month, the Utah Senate and the Utah House of Representatives passed SB103 with legislative approval over to Governor Gary R. Herbert, who led yesterday’s signing ceremony. Also present were Senator Daniel Thatcher and Representative Lee Perry, Lieutenant Governor Spencer Cox, Senate President Stuart Adams, House Speaker Brad Wilson, a large bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives and many other supporters whose hard work on hate crimes legislation over the years have culminated in this day.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”22″ exclusions=”538,516,517,519,530,539″ sortorder=”537,538,514,515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531,532,533,534,535,536,539″ display=”basic_slideshow” arrows=”1″]Catch the media coverage below:
Fox 13: Hate crimes bill signed into law in Utah
Deseret News: Hate crime bill signing ceremony marked by emotion in Utah Capitol
Salt Lake Tribune: At ‘historic’ ceremony, Utah governor signs new hate crimes bill into law
KSL: Hate crime bill signing ceremony marked by emotion in Utah Capitol
ABC 4: Historic hate crimes bill signed by governor
KUER: Gov. Herbert Signs ‘Historic’ Bill Strengthening Utah’s Hate Crimes Law
Tags: Hate Crimes, SB103, signing ceremony