Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century
June 11, 2019
You might be surprised at just how much tech companies know about you these days, and how easily companies cooperate to link your personal information (address, phone number, email, social media) to your shopping habits, financial information, political affiliation, recreational and workout habits—even the route you take to and from work.
Relatively few companies have the power to profit from this information efficiently, and there is growing concern that big market power can result in collusive, exclusionary or predatory conduct or conduct that might even violate consumer protection laws.
That’s why the Utah Attorney General’s office is part of a nationwide effort to investigate the ways that explosive expansion of technology is affecting consumer privacy, competition in technology platform markets, mergers and acquisitions, sales of data, and more. Follow this link to the agenda and hearings “Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century.”
On Wednesday June 10, 2019, Deputy Attorney General David Sonnenreich (Antitrust Section) will participate in a hearing that will bring 43 other Attorneys General together with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate what action should be taken to address these concerns.
Sonnenreich is scheduled to testify at 10:25 am.
Follow this link to the hearing while it is happening.
This letter from 43 Attorneys General Details topics and concerns regarding Competition and Consumer protection in the 21st Century. (put in NAAG link)
Roundtable agenda and streaming link https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/events-calendar/ftc-hearing-14-roundtable-state-attorneys-general
Here is a link to the FTC’s main page for its Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century: https://www.ftc.gov/policy/hearings-competition-consumer-protection
Tags: consumer protection, Internet Safety, Social Media, technology