Reach Out for National Suicide Prevention Month

Reach Out for National Suicide Prevention Month

September 27, 2019

During the month of September, we observe National Suicide Prevention Month. It is a time to unite to remember those we’ve lost to suicide, and to reaffirm commitments to work together to drive research, community engagement, and provide the necessary resources to help those in need. This month, the Utah Attorney General’s Office urges everyone to reach out to those around them, to connect, and to be compassionate.

Suicide is a complex, public health issue that affects every person in every community. Despite the strides Utah has made in addressing this crisis, suicide is still a leading cause of death in our state. An average of 592 Utahns die by suicide each year. Even more staggering, is the average of 4,538 Utahns that attempt suicide. These are your neighbors, brothers, sisters, spouses, friends, colleagues, and children. Engaging with and caring for one another is the key to end the stigma that so often comes with mental illness and suicidal thoughts.

Despite the tragic number of people who have reported thoughts of suicide, who have attempted suicide, and those who have lost their lives by suicide, the topic is still met with silence and shame. We urge you to reach out, listen without prejudice, and offer support.

Listed below are resources and organizations dedicated to shining light on suicide prevention. These organizations will help you learn to recognize warning signs and know what actions to take.

If you or someone you know is struggling and/or having thoughts of suicide, please reach out. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741), or message a trained crisis counselor through the SafeUT app. These support lines are available 24/7, 365 days a year.

The Utah Attorney General’s Office is proud to partner with organizations such as the Jason Foundation, the SafeUT Commission, the University Neuropsychiatric Institute (UNI), and Life’s Worth Living Foundation. These organizations help raise awareness of the prevalence of suicide in the State of Utah and provide resources and education on suicide prevention.

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