Personal Privacy Oversight Commission
SALT LAKE CITY – Today, Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes, along with Governor Spencer J. Cox and Auditor John Dougall announced their respective appointments to the newly created Personal Privacy Oversight Commission. The Commission was created by the Legislature during the 2021 session. (HB 243).
The purpose of the 12-member Commission is to develop guiding standards and best practices with respect to government privacy. The commission will also recommend minimum privacy standards for governmental entities for the Legislature in considering codifying into state statutes. Commission members will work with the new Government Operations Privacy Officer and the new State Privacy Officer, reviewing specific government privacy practices recommended by these privacy officers.
Attorney General Appointments: (63C-24-2-1(2)(d))
- Jeff Gray, Utah Office of the Attorney General — a member with experience as a prosecutor or appellate attorney and with experience in civil liberties law; and
- Mike Smith, Utah County Sheriff — member representing law enforcement.
“Privacy is a concern for Utahns now more than ever,” said Attorney General Reyes. “For those reasons, I am excited to help create, and work with the new Privacy Commission, which will focus on how the government handles personal information and the best ways to maintain our citizens’ privacy.”
Comments from Governor Cox and Auditor Dougall are available in this joint release. Click here.