Utah Attorney General Offers Child I.D. Kits to All Utah Families

Utah Attorney General Offers Child I.D. Kits to All Utah Families

October 18, 2022

Today, Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes, Lehi Mayor Mark Johnson, Sen. Kirk Cullimore, and members of the Utah Legislature proudly announced Lehi and Utah’s participation in the National Child I.D. program, an innovative way to identify children who are runaways or victims of kidnapping by family members or strangers. National Child I.D. is a public service initiative endorsed by the Utah Legislature dedicated to reducing the number of missing children nationwide. The program is provided in partnership with Vivint, Rocky Mountain Power and National Child I.D. (NCID). 

The I.D. kit includes a section for a current photograph, as well as space for recording descriptions and measurements, an inkless fingerprint card and a DNA collection site. Parents keep the information at home after collecting it. If needed, the I.D. kit gives authorities quick and vital information to assist their efforts in locating a missing child.  

“Child I.D. Kits are an inexpensive way to protect children by speeding up the process of identifying and locating them in an emergency,” Attorney General Reyes said. “Missing children are at risk for child sexual abuse, exploitation, and human trafficking. It’s important to me, as Utah’s Attorney General, and as a parent, to find children quickly and return them home.” 

The kits are available, at no cost to Utahns, through local sheriff’s departments and law enforcement across the state.

“It’s been inspiring to see how the state and community have come together to ensure the Child I.D. Kits are readily available for parents who choose to utilize them,” said Sen. Kirk Cullimore, Senate sponsor of S.B. 220 Missing Child Identification Program. “While every parent prays and hopes never to be in a situation where a kit is needed, it can be a valuable resource when law enforcement is working to safely bring a missing child home.” 

“We’re dedicated to supporting Utah families and protecting the communities we serve and are proud to partner with the Utah Attorney General’s Office on this important initiative,” said Vivint C.E.O. David Bywater. “Child I.D. kits are a valuable resource for families, and we’re committed to making them available to every parent, for every child.” 

“The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is proud to support the Utah Attorney General’s Office in its efforts to distribute Child I.D. kits to help authorities do their jobs more effectively,” said Rocky Mountain Power President and CEO Gary Hoogeveen. “Providing for the safety of our children helps strengthen our communities, and we value opportunities to assist in such critical work.”  

Every year in the U.S., about 450,000 children run away, 300,000 are abducted by family members and more than 58,000 are abducted by non-family members. The kits provide a valuable resource to help identify, rescue and retrieve missing children.  

Child I.D. Kits are being distributed through every sheriff’s department in Utah in cooperation with local law enforcement, school districts and community groups. 

The National Child I.D. Program Executive Committee includes Kenny Hansmire, Chairman and Executive Director; Jim Caldwell, Former Chair AFCA Ethics Committee and coach for Wake Forest, Indianapolis Colts, Detroit Lions; Fisher DeBerry, Member, College Football Hall of Fame, former coach Air Force; John Luckhardt, Member, College Football Hall of Fame, former coach Cal U, Washington & Jefferson; Jerry Moore, Member, College Football Hall of Fame, former coach Appalachian State; Don Nehlen, Member, College Football Hall of Fame, former coach West Virginia University; Sean Reyes, National Co-Chair, and Utah Attorney General; Mike Singletary, Member, College, and Pro Football Halls of Fame, former coach, Baylor, Chicago Bears, San Francisco 49ers; R.C. Slocum, Member, College Football Hall of Fame, former coach Texas A & M; Lonnie Stephenson, National Co-Chair, IBEW President; Grant Teaff, Member College Football Hall of Fame, former coach Baylor; Karen White, Executive Director, Attorney General Alliance.