Catalytic Converter Theft ‘Ringleader’ Faces Felonies and Deportation
October 21, 2022
Today, Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes released more information about the man charged in an extensive catalytic converter theft and fencing case, which represented significant financial loss for hundreds of Utahns in recent months. The suspect, 47 year old Omar Martinez is now in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) which agreed to consider the felony offenses in addition to immigration violations.
Working with our detectives, Taylorsville Police arrested Martinez this week, and the Attorney General’s Office charged him with three second degree felonies: Theft by Receiving Stolen Property, Money Laundering, and Pattern of Unlawful Activity. Park City and South Salt Lake Police Departments also assisted in this case.
Investigation discovered Martinez used his own businesses (Del Sol Auto Recycling and El Sol Auto Sales), as a front for multiple sales of catalytic converters, many cut from cars in the community and selling them for profit as scrap metal. Charges indicate Martinez mixed legitimate catalytic converter sales and did most of his business in cash and without receipts.
Investigation revealed Del Sol Auto Recycling sold 3,556 converters to a recycling company for $915,230.00 in 423 transactions.
For residents who would like to protect themselves, Utah Law Enforcement is helping promote Unified Police Department and Jiffy Lube’s initiative, offering to engrave the vehicle identification numbers on private vehicle’s catalytic converters, free of charge, in order to identify stolen property.
Here is the Probable Cause Affidavit and News Coverage from KUTV.