Google Tracking


Google Tracking

November 17, 2022

Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes joined Department of Commerce director Margaret Busse in announcing a settlement with Google and 40 states for $391.5 million. It is the conclusion of a lawsuit filed  in 2018 over Google’s improper use of tracking technology. Utah’s share of the settlement is $6 million, to be used for consumer education purposes.

The lawsuit alleged Google used its tracking technology to record consumers’ movements. The lawsuit said Google misled consumers into thinking the location tracking was turned off, and then sold location information to advertisers.

Margaret Busse, the Division of Consumer Protection Executive Director said,

“Data privacy is important and personal. As more and more interactions happen online, we should be able to trust companies will do what they say they’re going to with our information. In this case, Google misrepresented how it tracked and used consumers’ location information. This is a serious issue and we’re glad our Division of Consumer Protection joined many other states in holding Google accountable for this misleading practice. Utah will receive $6M of the overall settlement, which will go to its consumer education efforts.”