Utah Asks Court to Clarify NAAG's Use of Public Money

Utah Asks Court to Clarify NAAG’s Use of Public Money

March 7, 2023

Today, Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes announced the State of Utah has filed a lawsuit against the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), asking a judge to clarify whether NAAG’s custody of Utah’s public funds is subject to Utah law governing the investment of public funds.

NAAG provides an important forum for bipartisan collaboration with America’s state and territory attorneys general to support attorneys general in protecting the rule of law. NAAG holds over $100 million in funds on behalf of its member states. Utah asks the court to determine whether NAAG’s custody of those funds is subject to Utah’s State Money Management Act.

The lawsuit further requests the court to order an accounting to determine the portion of public funds that NAAG holds for Utah. The accounting would be conducted by a court-appointed special master.

Read the lawsuit here.