Bloomberg: AG Reyes Comments on Boost to ESG Movement from Will Hild of Consumers' Research

Bloomberg: AG Reyes Comments on Boost to ESG Movement from Will Hild of Consumers’ Research

June 7, 2023

Today, Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes commented on influencer Will Hild’s efforts in the battle against ESG investing.

Hild, a leader at Consumers’ Research, is successfully working behind the scenes to resist the trend of using climate risks, diversity, and other criteria in environmental and social governance (ESG) when deciding where government should focus rather than on traditional investment return considerations. Most notably, Hild has worked with AG Reyes and other attorneys general in questioning the ESG commitments from Blackrock Investing and the Net Zero Insurance Association (NZIA) and succeeded in getting them to reduce participation. Hild is now focusing on Bank of America Corp. and its ESG-related activities.

“(Hild) has helped raise the alarm and armed us with actionable, detailed information,” AG Reyes says in the Bloomberg article, referring to a letter sent to the NZIA. AG Reyes’ complete statement reads:

“Will Hild has been vital in our office’s pushback against the ESG conspiracy that hurts the nation’s consumers, politicizes commerce, and contributes to inflation. Through detailed research, reporting, and analysis, he has helped raise the alarm and armed us with actionable, detailed information. Over the last 24 months, attorneys general from across the country have worked together to push back on the financial industry’s assault on energy, agriculture, and national security. Our office looks forward to continuing to work with Mr. Hild as we lead the charge against dangerous groups like NZIA.”

Read the full Bloomberg article here.