AGO Participates in 2024 Law Day Run Supporting Utah Legal Services Aid

AGO Participates in 2024 Law Day Run Supporting Utah Legal Services Aid

This past week, a team from the Utah Attorney General’s Office participated in the 2024 And Justice For All Law Day Run, which was sponsored by the American Bar Association. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to take part in this annual event, which according to its purpose, “raises funds that will be used to provide free and low cost civil legal aid services to help vulnerable people protect their rights, access essential services, and live with dignity.”

The Utah Attorney General’s Office appreciates all the sponsors of this event, including America First Credit Union, doTERRA, RCWilley, Sage Forensic Accounting, Real Property Section, Rocky Mountain Advisory, Select Health, WCF Insurance, EideBailly, The University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law, Utah State Bar Bankruptcy Section, Utah State Bar, Trader Joe’s, Elizabeth’s Catering, and Costco Wholesale. We are also thankful for the members of the Law Day Run Committee – especially the Co-Chairs, Kim Blackburn and Kevin Glade from Ray Quinney & Nebeker – who spent countless hours planning and executing this run, ensuring that a great time was had by all involved and that many funds were raised for its designated purpose.

The funds raised by this event will be put to very good use, allowing Utahns to have the opportunity to access legal aid services to help with various stages and crises they may encounter in their lives.

It’s so important that public servants take time out of their lives to serve our community. Here at the Utah Attorney General’s Office, Attorney General Sean D. Reyes and the men and women on our exceptional team lead by example every day. We don’t just talk about service; we embody service in action. Our office can’t wait for the next Law Day Run in 2025!