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Utah Attorney General
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Sean D. Reyes
Utah Office of the Attorney General
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Utah Attorney General's Office

AG Reyes Statement on Utah Pacific Island Heritage Month

SALT LAKE CITY August 12, 2016 – Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes issued the following statement celebrating the first anniversary of the Salt Lake City Pacific Island Business Alliance and Utah Pacific Island Heritage month:

“As an American Pacific Islander and Utahn, I am extremely proud to celebrate with you the first anniversary of the Salt Lake City Pacific Island Business Alliance. Education and economic opportunity are the twin pillars to leveling the playing field for immigrants and everyone seeking to better their lives financially and guaranteeing the American Dream. The work of the Alliance is critical to these pillars, to provide resources to entrepreneurs and small businesses and to benefit all Utahns and America with better and more affordable products and services.

“As we honor the culture of the Pacific Island Community during Utah Pacific Island Heritage Month, I hope we recognize all of the contributions by Pacific Islands to Utah art, athletics, education, entertainment, government, literature, music, law, law enforcement, medicine, history and the economy, among other fields. I have always been proud to represent the values of my Pacific Island heritage and thank the Alliance for doing so as well.

“To the Kanaka Maoli or Native Hawaiian, the concept of ‘kokua’ is a type of support that goes far beyond the superficial. It is borne of an almost sacred obligation to care for others and see them succeed. It is this kind of attitude, exhibited by the Alliance, that gives it ‘pono’ or strength.”