Contact Us

Directed by Attorney General Brown, the Office of the Attorney General strives to be the best public law office in the State of Utah and the United States

Office of the Attorney General
Utah State Capitol Complex

350 North State Street Suite 230
SLC UT 84114-2320

Utah State Capitol Office
Office of the Attorney General
PO Box 142320
SLC UT 84114-2320

Email | | Office | 1-801-366-0260

Office Hours:
Monday through Friday | 8 am to 5 pm
General Information Line | 1-801-366-0260

Heber M. Wells Building
P.O. Box 140811
Salt Lake City, UT 84114

Hanna Seariac
Director of Communications
Office of the Attorney General
Office 801.793.7713

Nora Gardner
Communications Specialist
Office of the Attorney General
Office 801.597.4659