First-Degree Felony Case Review

In accordance with House Bill 281, the Utah Attorney General’s office is now accepting cases for review that have been investigated, then screened and declined for prosecution by a district or county attorney.

If you are a victim in such a case or the representative of a victim, you can refer your case to the Justice Division of the Utah AG’s office.

To refer a case, please follow the following instructions.

  1. Obtain a complete police report of your case.
    • You can do this through a GRAMA (Government Records Access and Management Act) request to the police agency that investigated your case.
  2. Send a WRITTEN request with a brief summary of the facts of your case and your representative’s contact information to:

Lori Oliver
Utah Attorney General’s Office
5272 S. College Drive, Suite 200
Salt Lake City, UT 84123

Your request will be quickly evaluated to determine whether your case meets the review criteria of the new law. If the criteria are met, you or your representative will be contacted for the next steps.