Posts Tagged ‘Advocacy in Action Award’

Attorney General Sean Reyes Congratulates Utah Council on Victims of Crime Award Recipients: Kris Knowlton and Rebecca Martell


SALT LAKE CITY April 21, 2016 –Attorney General Sean Reyes released the following statement about awards presented today at the 28th Annual Utah Crime Victims Conference in Midway, Utah:

“Over the years, the Utah Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has employed expert attorneys whose influence remains for years after retirement. One of these individuals is Kris Knowlton, who is continually admired and remembered for her pioneering work in prosecuting domestic violence and child abuse cases. I am proud to congratulate Kris for her decades of leadership and service in the OAG and applaud The Utah Council on Victims of Crime for honoring her for the incredibly rare and admired Crime Victims Lifetime Achievement Award.

“In addition, the Office of the Attorney General congratulates Rebecca Martell, Director of the Utah County Children’s Justice Center, for receiving the Advocacy in Action Award. Rebecca is an outstanding advocate for children as one of 22 directors who work diligently to protect children with the support of a multidisciplinary team. Her unique passion is seen throughout Utah County and has led to strong community support for the Utah County CJC and children victims.”

The Utah Attorney General’s Office proudly administers the statewide Children’s Justice Center (CJC) program. The Utah County Children’s Justice Center is one of the 22 child-friendly facilities where victims of child abuse are interviewed and medically assessed by professionals specifically trained in the forensic investigation of abuse.

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