ICYMI: AGO Week in Review
DoTerra’s 10th Anniversary Celebration
At a press conference celebrating the 10th Anniversary of doTerra International, AG Reyes introduced PROTECT prevention education program. Created by 3Strands Global, backed by doTerra International in partnership with the Office of the Attorney General of Utah, PROTECT will be introduced to schools across the state of Utah.
You can learn more here:
Governor Signs H.C.R. 13 Providing Pro Bono Legal Services for Military and Veteran Communities
With the support of the Utah Bar, the Utah Attorney General’s Office and the Utah Department of Military and Veterans Affairs will coordinate helping provide limited legal services for those who have sacrificed most for our country.
You can watch the entire ceremony here: https://www.facebook.com/UtahAttorneyGeneral/videos/2159814210701576/.
Utah Opioid Task Force
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes and US DEA District Agent in Charge for the State of Utah Brian Besser welcomed US Senator Mike Lee as the newest member of the Utah Opioid Task Force. Senator Lee will join AG Reyes and DAC Besser as a co-chair of the task force. Additionally, the share the latest impact and actions of the task force moving forward.
Go here to learn more and watch the conference: https://attorneygeneral.utah.gov/featured-content/utah-opioid-task-force-press-conference.
Assistant AG Ryan Holtan Prosecuted Utah Teacher Resulting in Prison Sentence
Michael Scott Hatfield, 59, was accused of covering his in-class camera while he looked at the child pornography that he had cut-and-pasted into two albums. Through the work of the ICAC team and prosecution, this was a big win for the AGO team.
Read about the case here:
Annual Law Enforcement Memorial Service
Members of the Attorney General’s Office were present during a moving tribute to those who’ve fallen in the line of duty. Thankfully, no new names were added to the memorial wall.
For more coverage of the service, go here: