Police Traffic Stops Turn to Joy During Operation Give Back

Police Traffic Stops Turn to Joy During Operation Give Back

December 23, 2022

This year, the Utah Attorney General’s Office continued its tradition to share the spirit of the season with Operation Give Back, a special event organized by our Investigations Division every Christmas. 

The Attorney General’s law enforcement officers—along with the Unified Police Department—select a family who is out shopping. The officer stops the family and tells the driver they will not receive a ticket, but gifts. 

Those in the vehicle received cash, gift cards, toys and other gifts. In total, AG investigations and Unified Police made 50 traffic stops and gave out $25,000 worth of gifts. All items had been donated to our office. 2022 is the sixth year the Utah Attorney General’s Office has done Operation Give Back. 

Attorney General Reyes said, 

While there are so many things to celebrate at Christmas time, the Holiday Season is a painful one for many. Some are facing difficulties with health, loneliness, lost loved ones, financial pressure or other challenges.

That’s why Operation Giveback is one of my favorite events. We can bring some cheer to those who might be struggling and need a little support. We love Utah, particularly when we can put differences aside and lift each other as part of one human family. 

We want to remind Utahns that our law enforcement family cares about them and our communities. I’m proud to work with dedicated men and women in uniform in my office and in many other agencies.

A safe, healthy and love-filled holiday season to all!