The AGO Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving

The AGO Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving

We celebrate Thanksgiving by giving thanks and remembering the blessings we have received over the past year. 

At the Utah Attorney General’s Office, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of this remarkable state and to uphold the rule of law. Attorney General Sean D. Reyes and all Office staff do not take this privilege and responsibility for granted. We are thankful for every day we have to do our jobs and make this state a better place than it was. 

Utahns have so much to be thankful for! We live in the greatest state in our Union and have access to some of the finest lands in the country. Our leaders prioritize freedom, law, and a better life for all. When it comes to living, working, recreating, and raising a family, Utahns couldn’t ask for more. 

From all of us at the Utah Attorney General’s Office, we thank you, the people of this state, for the opportunity to serve you. We wish you a happy Thanksgiving and hope it is filled with delicious food, meaningful family time, and abundant gratitude.

Be safe and have a great holiday!