2017 Utah Human Trafficking Conference
June 16, 2017
This week the Utah Attorney General’s Office hosted the first annual Utah Human Trafficking Conference at Salt Lake Community College. Focused on training members of the law enforcement community, medical professionals, victim services providers, and educators. The conference is hosted in conjunction with OAG partners Department of Public Safety, the Utah Trafficking in Person’s Task Force, and the Refugee & Immigrant Center – Asian Association of Utah.
The topics of presentations at the 2017 Utah Human Trafficking Conference include “Using Data and Other Tools for a Targeted and Effective Human Trafficking Response,” “Some Necessary Legalese: How Statutes and Caselaw View Force, Fraud, and Coercion,” “Mapping Victimization: Interstate Enforcement & Intelligence Analysis,” “Building Trust with Workers in Rural Utah,” and “Trafficked Boys: Bringing Male Victims of Human Trafficking Out of the Shadows.”
June 12, 2017
Today Attorney General Sean Reyes joined Brian Besser, DEA District Agent in Charge, in leading the first meeting of our new Opioid Task Force as we work to address the terrible opioid epidemic. We were fortunate to be joined by many valuable and skilled partners on the task force, including Speaker Greg Hughes, Rep. Carol Spackman Moss, Rep. Eliason and Senator Evan Vickers, Councilmember Jenny Wilsonfrom the Salt Lake County Council, members of law enforcement, the medical community, academia, and congressional delegation staffers. I look forward to working together with these esteemed members of our task force as we address the fight against opioid abuse in our state.
April 29, 2017
This last Saturday was Utah Take Back Day, an opportunity for Utahns to drop off unused, unneeded, and expired prescriptions–no questions asked. And Utahns can still drop them off. Here’s my statement about the importance of getting rid of dangerous prescriptions that have exceeded their shelf life:⠀
“Prescription drug abuse, particularly for painkillers, has risen to epidemic levels nationwide, and Utah is no exception,” said Attorney General Sean Reyes. “Prescription drugs, when administered and taken responsibly, can be a productive tool for pain management. But far too often, what begins innocently can lead to dependence and devastation.⠀
“In addition to overprescription, unauthorized access to even properly prescribed painkillers is one of the biggest drivers toward addiction. Many users of street drugs like heroin start by abusing their own painkillers, then move to finding other people’s prescription drugs. Addicts may be soccer moms or executives. They can be our kids, grandkids, kids from the block, good students or bad students included.⠀
“No community is immune. Addiction touches rural and urban areas, uptown or downtown neighborhoods alike. And whether we realize it or not, our medicine cabinets may be where they are looking next or where they may have already been. By teaming up on Take Back Day with partners like the DEA, AARP, and businesses and citizens across our state, we will recover hundreds, if not thousands of pounds of prescription drugs.”⠀⠀
Utahns can prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. To find a collection site near you, visit www.utahtakeback.org.
April 13, 2017
Recently, Attorney General Sean Reyes joined with Frank Abagnale in a Tele-Town Hall hosted by AARP Utah to talk about identity fraud and white collar crime. Millions of Americans fall victim to fraudulent schemes every year resulting in tens of billions of dollars landing in the pockets of con artists and other unsavory criminals. The AARP hosted the Tele-Town Hall to talk about steps people can take to protect themselves and their families. Abagnale is an AARP Fraud Watch Network Ambassador and identity theft expert, who has advised the FBI on how to outsmart con artists for over four decades. A former master check forger who inspired the 2002 Steven Spielberg film Catch Me If You Can, he was one of the world’s most famous confidence men. Today, over 14,000 financial institutions, corporations and law enforcement agencies use his fraud prevention programs.
April 12, 2017
Yesterday, Attorney General Sean D. Reyes greets youth in the Salt Lake City Police Explorer program during their visit to the Attorney General’s Office for training.
The Law Enforcement Explorer Program is a specialized Post of Learning for Life. Post #2471, which is sponsored by the Salt Lake City Police Department, is open to young men and women from the ages of 14 to 20.
April 11, 2017
With Attorney General Sean D. Reyes, Utah legislators, and mental health professionals, and supporters looking on, Governor Gary Herbert ceremonially signed SB 37, as well as two amendments to suicide prevention statutes, moving the state one step closer to a statewide crisis line. Sponsored by Utah State Senator Daniel W Thatcher and Representative Steve Eliason, along with co-sponsors Representative Carol Spackman Moss and Senator Curt Bramble, the new law creates a commission to consolidate local mental health crisis lines. By integrating existing efforts into a single crisis line, the commission is tasked to create a single statewide line connecting individuals in a mental health crisis with a mental or behavioral health professional easier.
February 15, 2017
Often, the greatest heroes in American history go unsung, sacrificing for our country without fanfare or expectation of reward. AG Reyes hosted one such person while he was introduced on the floors of the Utah House and Senate: Retired Master Sergeant Gordon “Gordy” Ewell, pictured here with Rep. Eliason and Gibson and AG Reyes prior to going on the House floor. Ewell was one of 40 select individuals part of the first Explosive Hazard Coordination Cell, hunting for and detonating improvised explosive devices. He went on 59 combat missions, leading dozens of night missions. Master Sergeant Ewell was recognized by his superiors and earned the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart Medal, and the Combat Action Badge.
February 9, 2017
Governor Herbert declared February 9, 2017 Alfie Boe Day in Utah and expressed gratitude for Alfie and his contributions to Utah music. Connected to the Attorney General’s Office through his father-in-law, David Jones, Alfie Boe was hosted at the Capitol by Attorney General Sean Reyes for visits to the House and Senate, including impromptu performances of “Danny Boy.”
January 12, 2017
Human sex trafficking is a fast-growing, multi-billion dollar criminal enterprise that spans the globe. The victims, predominantly young women and children, number in the millions. In an CLE approved-presentation with Talks On Law, AG Reyes discusses how authorities are combating this problem domestically and abroad by incorporating innovative approaches to enforcement and new laws to protect the victims and target traffickers, wherever they are. Click through here to watch and apply for CLE credit.
January 9, 2016
Tonight Attorney General Sean Reyes introduced Dr Kevin Bales, a leading expert on modern-day slavery. Dr. Bales has traveled to some of the world’s most dangerous places documenting and battling human trafficking. In the course of his reporting, Bales began to notice a pattern emerging: Where slavery existed, so did massive, unchecked environmental destruction. But why?
At the Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy’s World Affairs Lecture Series, Dr. Bales will present his newest book, Blood and Earth: Modern Slavery, Ecocide and the Secret to Saving the World, and share his gripping examination of two entwined global crises: environmental destruction and human trafficking. Bales will also share his hopeful and inspiring solutions we can all employ to fight slavery and ultimately protect our planet.
This lecture is free and open to the public, present in recognition of Human Trafficking Month in partnership with the Utah Attorney General’s Office, Refugee & Immigrant Center- Asian Association of Utah, and Engage Now Africa.
December 9, 2016
We support the positive efforts of the University of Utah’s #1-ranked Entertainment Arts and Engineering video game development program and all the good their creating. Today we joined them at EAE Play! with over 200 undergraduate and graduate students as they invited the public to come in and play their in-progress games. They’re working on everything from fun shooting games to medical apps that help with diabetes and autism.
November 28, 2016
For 22 years, The Jazz Bear has brought smiles and happiness to kids—especially those who are sick, injured or victims. This week, Attorney General Sean Reyes honored the Jazz bear by swearing him in as an honorary agent of the Utah Attorney General’s Office. We’ve long had K-9 units, and now we will have the nation’s first Ursine unit. He has teamed up with law enforcement to lead the anti-bullying effort in schools throughout Utah. He has visited police and fire stations, hospitals and kids homes, and we are grateful for his efforts.
During the swearing-in ceremony, the AG presented the Jazz Bear with a full-sized, customized AG badge with his name and honorary agent status. We also honored Mrs. Gail Miller with her own badge. Mrs. Miller and the Miller family have been tremendous supporters of law enforcement. And we know that Bear couldn’t do what he does without their support.
November 23, 2016
Attorney General Sean D. Reyes challenges State Auditor John Dougall, Speaker Greg Hughes, and University of Utah Coach Kyle Whittingham to dance the Wookie and take the pledge to not to text while driving (endtextwrecks.org). According the FCC, 3,179 people are killed each year and 431,000 are injured in car accident related distracted driving.
November 17, 2016
AG Sean Reyes caught up with county commissioners, attorneys, sheriffs, and other leaders from across the state at the annual Utah Association of Counties annual conference in St. George this week. The panels covered issues like opioid addiction, teen suicide, JRI, public lands issues, and more.
October 14, 2016
Attorney General Reyes welcomed Salt Lake Tribune columnist Robert Kirby, pictured here along with Chair of the Utah State Tax Commission John Valentine, as the opening speaker at the Utah Attorney General’s Office annual CLE conference.
October 11, 2016
The Attorney General greeted statewide staff at a training for staff at the Children’s Justice Centers.
September 11, 2016
“I had many tears as I recognized my dear friend Gordon Ewell as the first inductee into the Utah Patriot Hall of Fame,” said Attorney General Sean Reyes, as he participated in Ewell’s induction to the Utah Patriot Hall of Fame in Sandy, Utah. “His parents, Rod & Marjorie and his wife, Melanie, were all there to make it even more special. Gordy has been honored in many other states but largely forgotten in his home state when it comes to recognition. While he doesn’t care, I and many other friends do. On September 11, 2016 we changed that.
“Gordy was touched by the long and thunderous standing ovation from the thousands gathered at the Healing Fields tonight. A veteran of Iraq, MSG Ewell is a recipient of a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Combat Action Badge and many other commendations. A survivor of six separate IED explosions, he continually worked to protect his men under heavy enemy fire. Due to his service, he is legally blind, deaf and only miraculously alive, but he is the most positive, giving and patriotic person I know.
“He’s not bitter when he could be, doesn’t feel sorry for himself because he’s so busy worrying about others and he’s not depressed because he’s being strong for the tens of thousands of vets we’ve lost to suicide from depression.”
August 31, 2016
Today we announced with The Americas Council free workshops to inform, provide tools and educate the Hispanic community, regardless of their legal status. They will be held once a month from September 2016, and spread throughout the year 2017 as well. The topics will be varied: abuse and crime in buying and selling houses or cars, false notaries and fake immigration agents, cyber bullying, abuse of women, abuse of immigrants, child abuse, abuse starting new business, financial fraud, fraud in general, emotional and psychological abuse, among others.
July 27, 2016
UPPING OUR GAME: in the ongoing effort to improve our management practices, Attorney General Sean Reyes hosted Al Lama from the National Attorneys General Training and Research Institute (NAGTRI, for short) to provide management training to many of our division and section managers.
July 14, 2016
In cooperation with local and national law enforcement agencies, the Utah Attorney General’s Office announced in a press conference a multi-month investigation that resulted in the arrests of a number of individuals on human trafficking and child sex exploitation charges.
June 24, 2016
The Utah Attorney General’s Office has been recognized for its appellate advocacy by the National Association of Attorneys General. The awards were announced and disseminated on Thursday, June 23 during the NAAG Summer Meeting in Burlington, Vt. Recently retired Attorney General Laura Dupaix was honored with one of two Attorney General Career Staff of the Year Awards for extensive work on several multi-state cases. Additionally, Solicitor General Tyler R. Green, Deputy Solicitor General Laura B. Dupaix, Criminal Appeals Director Thomas B. Brunker, and Search & Seizure Section Director Jeffrey S. Gray were recognized for excellence in brief writing for the U.S. Supreme Court with the 2016 NAAG Supreme Court Best Brief Award.
June 15, 2016
With Governor Gary Herbert, Attorney General Sean Reyes met with members of the Ute Tribe Council to sign agreements between the Tribe and the State of Utah.
June 6, 2016
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, State Senator Daniel Thatcher and University Neuropsychiatric Institute (UNI) representatives conducted a training for clergy from across the state on how to use SafeUT app to help teens in crisis. The training, known as “safeTALK,” is a half-day alertness training that prepares anyone over the age of 15, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper. Learn more and watch a video of the post-training press conference here.
May 27, 2016
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes presented Sierra Carr of Elk Run Elementary the winner of the 2016 National Missing Children’s Day Poster Contest. Watch Fox 13 News’ coverage of the award ceremony.
May 18, 2016
At Best of State 2016, Attorney General Sean D. Reyes accepted the award for Elected State Official, Daniel Burton the award for State Agency on behalf of all of the excellent attorneys and staff in the Utah Attorney General’s Office‘s, David Sonnenreich the award for Web-based Community Resource for the White Collar Crime Offender Registry, and Leo Lucey the award for Public Safety for the AG’s Investigations Division. Also joining us was Deondra Brown Neilsen, who works with Utah’s Children’s Justice Centers and who received the award of Individual Humanitarian.
May 16, 2016
May 14, 2016
Thanks to all who joined us for the 2016 Law Day Run!
On Saturday, the Utah Attorney General’s Office turned out in force to support the 2016 Law Day Run at the SJ Quinney College of Law on the campus of the University of Utah. Among all of the firms and organizations participating, the Utah AG’s office took third place for recruiting the most participants (not to mention a number of place winners in various divisions of the race). If you came, please click over to photos to see if we got a picture of you.
Race results can be found here: https://andjusticeforall.org/law-day-5k-run-walk/
May 4, 2016
Attorney General Sean Reyes recently met with parents and students at Roland Hall to discuss the negative effects of pornography as part of the Fight the New Drug campaign.
April 29, 2016
Congratulations to our Tracey Tabet, the Utah Children’s Justice Center Program Administrator, for receiving the 2016 Ann Freimuth Child Advocate of the Year Award.
Tabet oversees 22 Children’s Justice Centers and directs the National Children’s Justice Alliance, while also serving on the Utah Sexual Violence Council and the Utah Coalition for Protecting Childhood, and is member of the Utah Women’s Forum.
March 30, 2016
Attorney General Sean D. Reyes met with Reverend Franklin Graham while he was at the Utah Capitol for his Decision America Tour.
March 26, 2016
Salt Lake Comic Con’s FanX 2016 is over, but the cause we took there still matters. Get the Safe UT app on to the phone of any teen you know and help them understand how it can help them be safe.
March 14, 2016
3.1415 = pies for the office, courtesy Utah’s Solicitor General, Tyler Green.
March 10, 2016
LEGAL EAGLES: The Utah Attorney General’s Office has the best interns. Many thanks to the hard work of the six stellar students that have devoted their time, tears, and talents during the 2016 Legislative Session. (And if you’re interested in becoming an intern, check out the link here: https://attorneygeneral.utah.gov/internships)
March 10, 2016
Utah Solicitor General Tyler Green and Deputy Solicitor General Stan Purser at the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver on Monday after presenting arguments in Planned Parenthood v Herbert.
March 9, 2016
From Rep. Angela Romero:
“Yes! #HB206 Human Trafficking Safe Harbor Amendments passed the Senate Floor 25-0-4 and is on its way to Governor Gary Herbert. Thank you Senator Wayne Harper, AG @Sean Sean D. Reyes, AG staffers Greg Ferbrache, Dave Carlson and Wade Farraway as well as Terry Palmer, the Backyard Broadcast team and many others.
“This bill ensures that children who are victims of sex trafficking must be recognized as victims so that they may receive effective treatment and protection.”
Pictured: Assistant Attorney General and Justice Division Director Greg Ferbrache, Representative Angela Romero, Assistant Attorney General Wade Farraway, and Senator Daniel Thatcher.
March 9, 2016
You never know who you’re going to bump into when you’re up at the Capitol. Attorney General Sean Reyes caught up with the Stantons before they started the docent provided scavenger hunt at the east entrance to Utah’s historic Capitol building. (Also pictured is one of the excellent officers that protect the Capitol building.)
March 3, 2016
Coaches Sitake and Wittingham stop by to “consult” AG Sean D. Reyes.
January 28, 2016
Attorney General Reyes presented today at the Salt Lake NAGTRI anti human trafficking training for prosecutors and investigators.
January 27, 2016
Attorney General Reyes was honored to speak to the Citizens Academy alumni and FBI Special Agent in Charge at the FBI Citizens Academy Board of Directors meeting for the Salt Lake chapter.
January 27, 2016
Today the Attorney General’s office had the pleasure of hosting survivor and healthcare provider focus groups with expert Dr. Laura Lederer.
Did you know a large percentage of human trafficking victims had contact with healthcare providers while being trafficked? For more information please visit: https://tinyurl.com/hm8r4zl
January 7, 2016
Attorney General Reyes was able to discuss with members of the Parklane Senior Living community on how they can protect themselves and their families from financial scams – and what to do if they’ve been victimized.
January 7, 2016
Attorney General Reyes led a discussion on best business practices with the Polynesian Business Alliance this morning at Shriners Hospital for Children in Salt Lake.
January 4, 2016
Attorney General Reyes had the honor of swearing in 3 new members of the Kaysville City Council. Congratulations to Larry Page, Dave Adams and Jake Garn!
January 4, 2016
Attorney General Reyes joined Governor Gary Herbert and Lt. Governor Spencer Cox in commemorating the 100th anniversary of the construction of the Utah State Capitol. Special thank you to the Capitol Preservation Board for this beautiful, mosaic gift!
December 24, 2015
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Reyes Family!
Attorney General Reyes and family, along with Solicitor General Tyler Green and AG staff, partnered with Stop Hunger Now to package 15,000 meals for charity Tuesday afternoon.
December 22, 2015
Attorney General Reyes spent some time on the Air-waves to help raise money for the homeless at The Road Home Meida-a-thon Tuesday morning. Over $2.9 million in critical funding was raised for The Road Home programs and year round services. Thanks to all those who donated!
December 18, 2015
Attorney General Reyes has personally purchased “Liberty” – a painting by Utah Artist Mishel Goodrich – at a Operation Underground Railroad fundraiser benefiting victims of human trafficking. The painting will hang prominently in the Attorney General’s Capitol Office and we welcome the public to come and see this beautiful work!
Thank you to our Utah’s Children’s Justice Center (CJC) Program and it’s Directors from throughout the state of Utah. The work you do is greatly appreciated.
For more information about what they do please visit: Utah Children’s Justice Centers
Conference is in full swing today. Big thanks to our dedicated CLE Committee – led by our very own Carol Verdoia!
AG Reyes with the Hispanic American Committee at Hill AFB
October 7, 2015
Attorney General Reyes and Operation Underground Railroad’s Tim Ballard delivered the keynote address on human trafficking at the International Women of the Mountains Conference at Utah Valley University. Attended by a global audience including ambassadors from several nations, the event is co-organized by UVU and the International University of Kyrgyzstan (IUK) under the auspice of the United Nations’ Mountain Partnership.
Tim Ballard and AG Reyes
October 2, 2015
The Utah Attorney General’s Office thanks Dr. Fred McInnis (BYU Band Director) for his inspiration to thank statewide law enforcement. It was an honor to team with Dr. McInnis and BYU Athletics for Officer Appreciation Night at the BYU-UCONN game on October 2. A special thanks to Bam Bams BBQ for sponsoring dinner for officers and their families.
Dr. Fred McInnis
AG Reyes with Athletic Director Tom Holmoe
“Flipping the switch” to light the Y
AG Reyes with Shantè Johnson and Nan Wride
October 1, 2015
Murray Chamber of Commerce
It was a pleasure to address the Murray Chamber of Commerce and will continue to fight white collar fraud and commercial crimes to maintain a positive business environment here in Utah.
September 24, 2015
Grand Opening of Draper City Public Safety Wing of City Hall
Draper City Police are moving on up! They have outgrown their previous space in the basement of city hall and have moved to a much needed, newly constructed wing of the building. Congratulations to Chief Bryan Roberts and his officers on the beautiful new Public Safety Wing of Draper City Hall that they now call home. It was an honor to tour the new facility.
September 23, 2015
BYU Management Society in Utah Valley
It was an honor to speak to the Utah Valley Chapter of the BYU Management Society on Ethical Leadership.
September 22, 2015
Utah Sheriffs’ Association Conference in St. George
Thank you Utah Sheriffs’ Association for the opportunity to swear in the new officers. I enjoyed spending the week with law enforcement partners and training on investigating and prosecuting human trafficking in Utah.
AG REYES TEAMS WITH JIMMER FREDETTE TO INSPIREOTHERS TO CREATE A CULTURE OF KINDNESSDuring Suicide Prevention week (Sept 6-12), Attorney General Sean Reyes spoke to hundreds of attendees with NBA and former Brigham Young University basketball star Jimmer Fredette (who was recently acquired by the San Antonio Spurs) at the Fredette Family Foundation’s Jimmerocity Kindness Dinner 2015. The event focused on the need to overcome all types of bullying in U.S. education systems through kindness, listening, reporting and embracing inclusion and diversity. AG Reyes spoke about love as the fundamental principle of life achievement and success and shared personal experiences of healing through the kindness of others.In addition to regularly speaking out against all types of bullying, AG Reyes championed a statewide School Safety and Crisis Line that passed into law in the 2015 Utah legislative session. The Utah School Safety and Crisis Line Commission is chaired out of his office and is working towards an online, mobile app, text and call-in safety and crisis line for students that will launch within months. The School Safety and Crisis Line is currently being implemented at the world-renowned University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute.
September 11, 2015
“On this day marking one of our nation’s darkest moments, we celebrate the strength and resilience of the American people. While we mourn the loss of so many innocent lives, we recognize the great light of God, of our constitution, the liberties and freedoms we enjoy as a country and those who defend them. We thank military, law enforcement and first responders who protect and serve daily.
We remember their great sacrifice on that fateful September day in 2001 and continued sacrifices for the months and years to follow. Hopefully, we also recall the might of our collective power; a diverse citizenry. With all of us, average citizens, banding together to heal wounds and to defy evil. It is one of the lasting remembrances from such calamity–the great good that can be done when we are united as a people, with the welfare of our suffering brothers and sisters foremost in our minds and partisanship, divisiveness, prejudice and personal agendas cast aside.
It also reminds us of the need for America to be strong. Not in arrogance. Not with a sense of cultural superiority. But strong in its defense, strong in it purpose and strong in is commitment to the ideals of democracy and liberty. May God bless America with peace and prosperity when possible and strength and deliverance when it is not.”
– Attorney General Sean D. Reyes
September 10, 2015
It was a sad day saying good-bye to Chief Civil Deputy Brian Tarbet. Luckily, Bridget Romano is ready to step up to this critical role in our office.
September 9, 2015
It was a pleasure to join Sheriff Terry Thompson today as the LDS Church (Elder Gary B. Porter of the Seventy) honored the Weber/Morgan Narcotics Strike Force today at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. The work the Strike Force does on a daily basis is essential to keeping Utah communities safe and many times goes unnoticed by the greater community. Thank you to the LDS Church for taking the time to highlight our diligent officers in Utah.
September 8, 2015
AG Reyes, Jerome Elam and our friends from KUTV2.
What an honor to meet Jerome Elam – U.S. Marine Corps veteran, journalist, public speaker and survivor of child sex trafficking. Jerome’s story of survival clearly exemplifies the human spirit’s triumph over tragedy and his dedication to rid the world of human trafficking is inspiring. I am looking forward to working with Jerome and many other individuals and organizations in our fight against Trafficking in Persons!
Find out more about the Utah Trafficking in Persons Task Force here.
September 8, 2015
AG Reyes with Game MVP Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox
Utah’s Executive Branch brought home the W (10-1) against the Utah State Legislators in the 2015 Exec vs. Leg Softball Game at Smith’s Ballpark in beautiful Smith’s Field.
It was a pleasure to meet with such distinguished international guests at the Utah State Capitol on August 24 to discuss Trafficking In Persons. Thank you to AG Investigations Director Leo Lucey, AG Justice Division Director Greg Ferbrache and Ed Smart for the excellent training material that will now be taken back to Albania, Denmark, Ghana, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Zambia. Together, we can changed the world!
The Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy facilitates the International Visitor Leadership
Program which is the U.S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange program. This
allows long lasting connections to be built with emerging foreign leaders and professional
resources in Utah. UCCD is guided by the principle of citizen diplomacy –the concept that as
citizens we have the right to help shape US foreign relations “one handshake at a time.”
My team and I returned to Colorado to meet Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman on Wednesday, August 19 for a fact-finding tour at the Gold King Mine near Silverton, hosted by the EPA. The area was breathtaking!
We were able to see the large gaping hole left by the devastating 3 million gallon waste spill into the Animas River that leads to Utah’s San Juan River. I am committed to ensuring that the EPA lives up to its commitment to be fully accountable for the injuries and damages that they incurred. The river is still alarmingly gold.
Thank you to the organizers in our office and the community for an outstanding 9th annual Utah Law Enforcement Memorial Ride for Fallen Officers.
“Today thousands have come to honor the service, the memory and the families of the fallen officers who paid the ultimate sacrifice. And the most significant thing, aside from recognizing those on the wall, is to recognize that we don’t have any new names to add this year – fantastic news for the law enforcement community.”
August 17, 2015
It was an honor to present Certificates of Commendation to five Colombian Cuerpo Técnico de Investigación (Technical Investigation Team) officials for bravery, heroism and dedication to the protection of children internationally.
July 2, 2015
Early Sat morn shoot supporting Dan Farr & SLC Comic Con (2nd largest on earth)! Rebels, Jedi, Wookies, Droids, Troopers, Bounties & Sith. Spontaneous moment: R2 begins playing Billy Joel, Storm Trooper conducts, Rebels sing swaying w sabers as glo sticks & all join in on Piano Man. Mos Eisley got nothing on us!!
June 27, 2015
Celebrated Araw ng Kalayaan or Philippine Independence Day with Utah FilAms today. Listened to Norberto Buddy Reyes sing, gave a keynote speech, watched great dancers, musicians, & beauty queens, came in second in sack race & ate pancit, Lumpia, pan de sal, etc!
Proud to speak at the Freedom Dinner in Hyrum, Utah. One of the best patriotic & community events I’ve ever attended. Terrific band, Rootbeer floats, 21-gun salute for fallen soldiers, hospitality abounding. What an awesome place to live.
June 27, 2015
It was an honor to film Public Service Announcements on how to talk with children about the dangers of drinking and driving.
June 22, 2015
AG Reyes Celebrates 20 Years of Training in Children’s Justice Symposium / Utah Prosecution Council Domestic Violence Conference
June 9, 2015
AG Reyes Meets with Richfield City Leaders
Friday, May 29, 2015
Attorney General Reyes enjoyed visiting with Mayor David Ogden and the Richfield City Council.
AG Reyes Speaks at the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities Public Meeting
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Attorney General Sean Reyes meets with Dr. David Sanders, Chairman of the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities.
Attorney General Reyes addressed the professionals seeking to end child abuse and neglect fatalities on Utah’s efforts in reaching this goal. With continued participation of local communities, law enforcement, government organizations, and this Commission, child abuse and neglect fatalities can be drastically reduced. This meeting was an opportunity to work together to identify and develop solutions to keep children in Utah safe.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Sex Trafficking Victims – C-SPAN Video
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes and His Team Restore Trust: Win 2015 Best of State in Four Categories and Overall Winner of Community Development Award
The Attorney General’s Office has continually employed award-worthy attorneys, paralegals, investigators, staff and program managers. With renewed focus and leadership over the past 16 months, the nearly 250 attorneys, over 200 staff members, and large investigative division are excelling to an even greater degree than ever because they now are getting the resources they need to win and win the right way. I am proud of their work and the many leaders that have joined me from both the private sector and from within the office to serve and ensure that the citizens throughout our great state know that they can depend on our efforts. These awards are a tremendous expression by the public of our progress. We appreciate the organizers of Best of State for the honor. – Attorney General Reyes
The Best of the Best
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes was awarded the BOSS (Best of State Statue)® for the Community Development category. One of only 10 awarded, this 20-pound, solid bronze, 24-karat gold-plated, sculpture is given to the most outstanding medal winner in each division.
Community Development – Public Sector – State Agency/Office
Community Development – Public Sector – Elected Official
Community Development – Public Sector – Public Safety
Community Development – Public Sector – Best Web-Based Community Resource
AG Sean Reyes Meets with High School Leaders
Friday, May 8
Students from schools throughout Utah gathered at the Capitol to hear AG Reyes address them about leadership.
AG Reyes Welcomes Peruvian Leader Fujimori to Utah!
It was a honor to meet Keiko Fujimori and her husband Mark Villanella today in our beautiful State Capitol. I was so impressed with her dedication to the people of Peru and her desire to lead with long term democratic solutions. Most importantly to our office, we discussed ways of fighting international crimes like human trafficking and cyber-terrorism that impact our countries so seriously. I look forward to an ongoing relationship where we can learn from each other and offer joint solutions for lower crime and better government.
Statement on the Passing of Former Governor Norman Bangerter
The Utah Attorney General’s Office expresses its deepest sympathy to the Bangerter family upon the passing of Governor Norman Bangerter. Attorney General Sean Reyes said, “Norm was a great leader and public servant. For a long time, I was a fan from afar but became friends over the past few years with him. I appreciate the wisdom and advice he provided me with humility and genuine care. The State will miss him dearly. I will miss him. I wish his family comfort and peace.”
Brothers Attorney General Sean Reyes and Dr. Kyle Reyes Speak at TedxUVU
It was a thrill to participate in the exceptionally well planned and executed TEDxUVU event at Utah Valley University. Being able to give a TED Talk and having my brother give one at the same event was particularly rewarding as I was able to speak about my heritage and how it has influenced my leadership approach. This particular event is one that will be forever etched in my memory as it was the last time I was able to have a conversation with my mom before her passing. Minutes before my speech, she called to wish me good luck and give me a last-minute pep talk, making sure I was following the public speaking guidelines she taught me since I was a child and that all of my facts were double checked. I commend President Matt Holland and his entire UVU team for an amazing event. I look forward to the next TED opportunity!
Attorney General Sean Reyes greets the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the United States of America: Kenichiro Sasae
The Ambassador visited Utah to meet with local leaders on Monday, March 30, 2015.
The Utah Attorney General hosted, along with other Japanese American leaders of Utah, the Honorable Kenichiro Sasae and his accomplished wife, Nobuko Sasae. The leaders discussed important economic and policy issues with local, national and international impact, including combating human trafficking, cyber crimes, counterfeiting, and all multi-billion-dollar criminal enterprises. The Ambassador was particularly impressed with AG Reyes’s Japanese heritage and his ancestors from the Maeda clan from the Ishikawa Prefecture. Former National Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) Presidents Floyd Mori and Judge Raymond Uno helped host the event where Attorney General Sean Reyes was recognized as the first Japanese-American statewide elected official in Utah history.
Attorney General Sean Reyes met with Robert F Kennedy, Jr. at the Utah AG’s Office in the Utah State Capitol regarding health and safety issues pertaining to the high rate of autism in the State of Utah. Mr. Kennedy is helping to promote the film and a book on the subject. He and his son were greeted by the Attorney General along with Utah Film Center Executive Director Geralyn Dreyfous.
Attorney General Sean Reyes, Representative McKell, and Senator Bramble Op-Ed:
White-collar crime registry gives Utahns powerful tool to fight fraud
March 21, 2015
The Salt Lake Tribune:
Utah is a great place to live and with our close-knit communities and low crime rates, we often forget than not everyone is worthy of our trust. Unfortunately, we experience an inordinately high level of financial fraud in this state and the predators are all too often friends and associates.
Over the past year, the three of us have worked together, looking long and hard to find a way to stem the growing tide of white collar crime in our state. We have come to the conclusion that an important part of this process is an educated populace, armed with tools to better protect themselves. Consumers and investors should have as much easily accessible information as possible when considering whom to trust with their investments.
Read more: Op-ed: White-collar crime registry gives Utahns powerful tool to fight fraud
Attorney General Reyes speaks to BYU Young Republicans
March 18, 2015
Utah AG Reyes was honored to be invited to speak to the BYU College Republicans.
Attorney General Reyes speaks to the Women’s Legislative Council of Utah County
March 17, 2015
AG Reyes had the privilege of speaking on the dangers of human trafficking, the perils of pornography, and recent undercover operations in different countries.
Thanks to the ladies for what they do for our state.
Sean Reyes gives radio interview to The Zone
March 16, 2015
Attorney General Reyes had a wonderful time with Hans Olsen and Scotty G on 1280 the Zone to discuss sports, politics, and March Madness picks.
AG Reyes supports FFA Leaders
March 13, 2015
Attorney General Sean Reyes spent Friday with FFA leaders from around the state at the Snow College Sevier Campus.
He was honored to give the keynote address and to share in the enthusiasm of the great young leaders and their advisors and families. Agriculture community values help make this nation great.
Attorney General Sean Reyes says education, relationships key
March 11, 2015
The Davis County Clipper:
KAYSVILLE – When he wasn’t entertaining by performing a rap, he was enlightening with the story of a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles or a sting operation in Colombia.
Utah’s Attorney General Sean Reyes kept the attention of an auditorium full of high school students as he shared not only rhythm and stories, but advice.
“Let’s get some of the mechanics out of the way first,” he said, after a quick rendition of a few rap songs he’d written. “Education is the most important thing that you can do in your life at this time.”
That education is more important during high school than romantic relationships, he said.
Read more: The Davis Clipper – Reyes says education relationships key
AG Reyes Thanks Salt Lake Comic Con Founders for Impact on Fighting Crime in Utah
March 10, 2015
Attorney General Sean Reyes declared March 10, 2015 Fighting Crime with Salt Lake Comic Con Day.
Salt Lake Comic Con founders Bryan Brandenburg and Dan Farr came to the Capitol to be honored for what they have done for the State of Utah.
Senator Daniel Thatcher honored Salt Lake Comic Con on the Senate Floor.
Salt Lake Comic Con has become the third largest in the nation, and, according to Stan Lee, is the greatest comic con in the world.
Thanks to Salt Lake Comic Con for bringing out the hero in each of us.
Neon Trees Day 2015
March 4, 2015
Attorney General Sean Reyes thanks the Utah-based rock band Neon Trees for serving as admirable role models for Utah youth.
Originating in Provo, Utah, Neon Trees has gained worldwide recognition for its music and for being one of the few rock bands that abstains from alcohol and drugs.
After introducing them to Governor Herbert, Lieutenant Governor Cox, the House, and the Senate, Attorney General Reyes presented the band with a declaration proclaiming March 4, 2015 Neon Trees Law Enforcement and Education Day.
Dr. Seuss Day
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Attorney General Sean Reyes spends the morning of March 2, 2015
with students in celebrating Dr. Seuss’s Birthday!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss – March 2, 1904
Impressive students from the University of Utah Greek System reading with Utah elementary students!
Attorney General Reyes films Public Service Announcements in Washington, D.C.
February 24, 2015
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes takes time out of his busy schedule to film public service announcements warning against the dangers of underage drinking.
Attorney General Sean Reyes has teamed up with the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility to fight underage drinking.
Multicultural Youth Leadership Day at the Capitol
Attorney General Sean Reyes Awarded Outstanding Teachers and Students on February 19, 2015 in the Capitol Rotunda
Attorney General Sean Reyes greets the Pacific Academy Choir
when they perform at the Utah State Capitol on February 23, 2015
Attorney General Sean Reyes and Chief Deputy General Brian Tarbet
Honor WWII Veterans at the Utah State Capitol on February 18, 2015
Attorney General Sean Reyes greets Utah State University Students…
It’s always delicious when the Aggies come to the Capitol
with Famous Aggie Ice Cream!
February 17, 2015
Attorney General Sean Reyes was honored to deliver citation
to WWII Medal of Honor recipient and valiant hero Jose Valdez
Bill Allred interviewed Attorney General Sean Reyes. Listen to the podcast below!
X96 | Let’s Go Eat Podcast: Utah Attorney General, Sean Reyes
Attorney General Reyes greets the legislature with students in the Capitol Rotunda
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes Raps, Does War Dance, Impersonates Elvis on Bloomberg