AG Reyes Urges Biden Administration to Stop Dangerous Opioid Mail-Back Program 

AG Reyes Urges Biden Administration to Stop Dangerous Opioid Mail-Back Program 

Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes and 12 other states recently signed and sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) protesting President Biden’s reckless USPS opioid mail-back program. 

The letter argues, “As law enforcement officials, we must confront this challenge head on. In doing so, we must use mitigation strategies that provide real solutions. To the greatest extent possible, these solutions should not leave room for increasing numbers of illegal opioids to be distributed on the streets and infiltrate our communities.” 

The attorneys general favor using in-home disposal products that quickly remove unused drugs without putting anyone at risk. Studies show that combining education with in-home disposal products can increase proper opioid removal by 92%. Currently, only 10% of patients dispose of unused prescriptions properly. 

Utah joined South Carolina on this letter, along with Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and North Dakota.  

You can read the full letter here

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