September 11, 2018
SALT LAKE CITY – Today, Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes reflected on 9/11 and what it means for all of us today in the following statement:
On the anniversary of 9/11, we take a moment to remember the unthinkable attack on our nation seventeen years ago. It is a moment that most of us recall with clarity – where we were, how we heard, and what we felt.
Today, we honor the bravery and courage of the New York Police Department, the New York Fire Department, and every first responder who ran toward the scene that morning and the agonizing days that followed. We pray for the families of those who lost their loved ones that day, whether at the World Trade Center Towers or on United Airlines Flight 93 and for every other individual who suffered as a result.
When President George W. Bush addressed our nation, he stated, “Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America.” That statement rings as true today as it did then. In times of crisis, our country comes together in prayer, support, and service to protect our nation and the ideals of freedom and humanity which we hold dear.
It is these ideals that brought us together then and unifies us on this day.
Photo by Patrick Tomasso