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Attorney General Sean Reyes Honored by Boy Scouts of America with National Award

SALT LAKE CITY November 21, 2016—The Utah Attorney General’s Office today announced Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes received anational award last week from the Greater Salt Lake Council of Boy Scouts of America for outstanding service to the community, with an emphasis on his volunteer service in the Hispanic community.

Attorney General Reyes expressed his appreciation to the Council at the Silver Anniversary Holiday Gala.

“It is such an honor to receive this recognition from Boy Scouts of America, an organization that has enriched my life and my family far more than I could ever repay,” said Attorney General Reyes. “Scouting teaches lifelong principles of service, community, and adventure. The Boy Scout slogan to ‘do a good turn daily’ guides me as I serve each day, and I am grateful that BSA has taught my own sons to follow the same path.”

“Attorney General Reyes is the epitome of what Scouting is all about,” said Scout Executive Mark Griffin. “Sean’s service to youth in the Latino/Hispanic community through Scouting and many other venues is noteworthy. We are proud to recognize him with this national award.”

boy_scouts_of_america_corporate_trademark-svgAttorney General Reyes is an Eagle Scout who has been active in leadership roles in Scouting throughout his life. He achieved the rank of Eagle at age 15, has been a Scout leader at various levels of Scouting, chaired a Scout unit and organized and presented at various Scouting events. His two older sons are EagleScouts and he has three younger sons who are working toward that goal. AG Reyes’s father was active in Scouting as a boy in his home country of the Philippines, remained an active Scouter in his adopted country of America and instilled in his sons, both Eagle Scouts, a love of Scouting and its principles of service.

Even prior to his current position as AG, Reyes was recognized locally and nationally with numerous awards and distinctions for his years of commitment to service and lifting communities throughout Utah and the United States.

Reyes co-Founded the Somos Foundation providing millions of dollars in student aid and scholarships to Utah Latino high school and college students. He provided internships to many Latino students and led an English language learning program that lifted tens of thousands of immigrants by giving them tools for better jobs and opportunities. In working to fight against teen drinking and driving, human trafficking, child sexual abuse and teen suicide, Reyes has protected all teens and also done special media promotions and interviews for the Hispanic community. Reyes served on the Presidential and Congressional Commission to create a National Museum of the American Latino on the National Mall.

Reyes also volunteered at colleges, high schools, elementary schools and juvenile detention facilities as well as homeless shelters, elder care facilities, churches, and veterans homes. He raised money for scholarships for students from underserved and refugee communities, offered free legal services to veterans, seniors, and others in need, raised money for families of fallen law enforcement officers and provided resources to fight child Pornography. He was a pioneer in creating opportunities for Hispanic and Asian small businesses. He founded and helped lead numerous non-profits creating a host of service initiatives.

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