April 15, 2020
We recognize that during the COVID-19 pandemic these are difficult times for many people, especially those struggling with substance abuse or mental health. Below are some resources available for individuals, providers, and communities.
Look After Your Mental Health
The Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health provided some helpful tips on ways that you can look after you and your mental health:
- Seek information from legitimate sources and set limits around media exposure
- Take care of yourself (Airplane Rules: Put your own oxygen mask on before helping others)
- Safely reach out to others and support people around you
- Maintain a sense of hope and positive thinking; read something good and uplifting
- Acknowledge your feelings, bounce them off a friend or loved one
- Take time to talk to children about COVID-19
- Ask for support, including professional support if needed. Asking for help is a sign of strength; none of us can do this alone.
Read more tips from them on how to manage stress here.
Guidance for Prescribers About Providing Telemedicine
SAMHSA and DEA released updated guidance for prescribers about providing telemedicine to new patients for buprenorphine. Click Buprenophone-Telemedicine for more information. If you would like to know overall information on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s guidelines, please click on Use of Telemedicine While Providing Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) here at MAT Guidelines.
SAMHSA Updates and Resources for Opioid Treatment Programs
The COVID-19 guidance includes approaches for providing pharmacotherapy for opioids use disorder patients exposed to infections and COVID-19, disaster planning, potential flexibility for take-home medication, OTP guidance for patients quarantined at home with the coronavirus, and Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ for OTP Guidance during Quarantine.
Learn more about the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) COVID-19 Guidance for Opioid Treatment Programs here and for overall information about Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health, please visit: SAMHSA Home Page.
Safely Dispose of Your Unwanted Medications
The National Take-Back Initiative where you can safely dispose of your unwanted, unused medications was planned for April 25, 2020, but has been postponed until further notice. If you are in need of disposing of unused, unwanted or expired medication, the Utah Opioid Task Force has free Dispose RX packets they can send to you.
Community Resources
Please check in on your loved ones and be aware of signs of poor mental health and emotional well-being. It’s important we have these types of resources readily available during these times. If a loved one needs substance use treatment, please access: https://findtreatment.gov/
Here are some other important phone numbers to have and share with your friends, family, and community:
- COVID-19 Hotline 1-800-456-7707
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- University Neuropsychiatric Institute (UNI) Crisis Line: 801-587-3000
- UNI WarmLine: 801-587-1055
- Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
- Utah Naloxone 385- 495-9050
If you need Peer Recovery Support and Family Support, USARA is functioning with an online presence at www.myusara.com.
SafeUT Remains Active for Students
The mental well-being of our youth is critical during these times. The SafeUT app is a real-time crisis intervention tool and tip line for students. This resource is fully functioning during current circumstances and can be downloaded here: https://healthcare.utah.edu/uni/safe-ut.
You are not alone during these trying times. We are in this together.