Posts Tagged ‘DMV’

Better Days 2020 unveils new license plate, AG Reyes applauds their efforts


Did you know?

Utah was the first place where women could vote in the modern nation and helped lead the nation in advocating for women’s right. 

Better Days 2020, a Utahn non-profit, is dedicated to making sure that message is known state-wide. Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes, a member of their Advisory Board, took time to celebrate all that they’ve done and will continue to do for Utah. 

“What I love about Better Days…is they are about just reminding us of our history and letting young women today and senior women just have their chance to show what they can do.”
– Attorney General Reyes

Better Days 2020 has a comprehensive plan to raise awareness and advocate for women in civic leadership roles within the state of Utah. This last legislative session, they helped pass a bill to move the statue of Martha Hughes Cannon to the U.S. Capitol building as one of two representative statues for the state. This fall they introduced a curriculum for 4th-7th graders to introduce them to Utah’s role in woman’s suffrage. 

Today they unveiled a new Women’s Suffrage Recognition plate now available from the Utah DMV.

“What better way to get the message out than on the back of a car…and take that message across state lines?”  – Neylan McBaine, Better Days 2020 CEO

Watch the whole press conference below: