Posts Tagged ‘Felix Ortiz’
West High Students Recognized for Saving the Life of Assistant AG
January 17, 2020
Today, during West High School’s annual winter sports assembly, Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes and Assistant Attorney General David Carlson recognized Felix Ortiz and Grant Dunkley, two students who saved the life of Carlson last year.
On February 19, 2019, Felix Ortiz and Grant Dunkley both pulled over after Carlson was involved in a serious car accident. Ortiz and Dunkley pulled Carlson from his overturned car on the 600 North bridge in Salt Lake City where they performed life-saving CPR until first responders arrived on the scene.
Carlson’s recovery has been slow but steady, and until today, Carlson, Ortiz, and Dunkley had not met. Carlson, joined by his wife and family, expressed his gratitude to Ortiz and Dunkley for their quick-thinking and heroics that day.

Broadcast originally aired on Fox 13 News.