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Utah Attorney General
Attorney General
Sean D. Reyes
Utah Office of the Attorney General
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Remembering and Honoring Constitution Day

Today, the Utah Attorney General’s Office celebrates Constitution Day, when we remember, honor, and celebrate this foundational and inspirational document in our country’s history – and the individuals who poured into the text that has guided our country’s path into the 21st Century and beyond.

As the U.S. Senate reminds us, the United States Constitution is “the world’s longest surviving written charter of government.” This is a remarkable feat considering our nation’s relatively short tenure as a functional republic. So many governments have come and gone before, during, and assuredly after the United States; but our country remains strong, in large part, because of our Constitution.

We remember, too, our founding fathers who were willing to give everything and everyone they had for our nation’s independence and right to construct this Constitution. These individuals knew that they were fighting for something so much greater than themselves, and they had the wisdom and foresight to write this historic document (along with the Bill of Rights) to set America on a course for lasting freedom for countless generations. No one should take their contributions for granted.

For those of us carrying the torch of freedom in states around the United States, the task remains to us to cherish and uphold this timeless document. There are many who want to strip away the language that protects much of what we hold dear. We cannot allow this to happen. Americans have the honor and responsibility to defend our Constitution and preserve it for the next generation. This is what we, at the Utah Attorney General’s Office, will continue to do for our great state and nation. May God bless America and our Constitution.

Happy Constitution Day!